All of our applications include a context sensitive help system, which you can access without having to navigate away from the current page. So if you seen an input field but you are not sure what it is for, or what you should enter, then you can click on the input field heading and receive help instantly.
Even though the manual goes through many functions and features in detail and that the context sensitive help is instant, often customers may find themselves in a predicament of not knowing how to proceed or not knowing how to perform certain tasks. The manual discusses the features but it does not provide a step by step guide.
So to help resolve this and to make accessing information to help you be more efficient, all our applications are being enhanced so that from within the application you can click on a
That way you have greater access to the information and to specific tutorials relating to that application. Hopefully this will help you perform more complex tasks, easier.
The tutorials are only available / accessible from your Admin section. Our Tutorial Manager is designed to allow Public and Private tutorials. For more information on our Tutorial Manager, click on this link, or you can view our Tutorial Demonstration which includes all the available Public Tutorials.
If you enter multiple key words (separated by a space) then you can use the All, Any and As Phrase ti indicate if All the words, Any of the words should be found, or if you wish to locate exact match (as phrase).
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