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More applications with Password Protection
Written by Bout Time Software
Created / Updated on Wednesday 16th of October 2013

After adding our new password feature to the Photo Gallery Manager there has been interest in adding it to other applications aswell, so we have.

Link Manager
This application can be used to display links to other websites or web pages. So why the need for a password? Well you may have a need to only provide links for your customers or members. These links could be special offers or discounts that can be redeemed from a specific webpage on your own website or that from your sponsors. Using this new password system only those with the password have access to redeem the offer. There are three options you have when assigning passwords to a Category.

Option 1 - No Access - This means that no records assigned to that category are displayed on the web page until the required password has been entered. This is ideal if you wish to ensure no information is displayed to people who are not authorized and also to ensure no search engine finds the information either.

Option 2 - No Information - You may be in a situation that you have sponsors that wish to offer your members or customers special deals. If this is the case then it could be beneficial if you were to list the companies for which offers are available. That way people who are not members may wish to join in order to see what offers are available. This also helps the sponsor because their logo is then displayed on the page, but it ensures no specific information about the offer they have provided is displayed. This ensures the sponsors competitors do not know about any offers they have made. Once the correct password has been entered then the information about the available offers is displayed and a website link is provided to that sponsors website if it is an online offer.

Option 3 - No Link - A continuation from Option 2 is that you may wish to disclose all the information about each offer, but then not provide the link to redeem that offer for people that do not know the password. If disclosure of the details is not an issue, then this option provides maximum exposure of the deals. That way all members and non members can read about it, but only members will have the ability to click on the link to visit the website where the offer can be redeemed..

You can choose either option for each Category that you configure.

File Manager
This application makes available files for download from your website, but there maybe circumstances where you wish to limit who has access to download or even view the available files. It could be that you have files that only your customers, members, sponsors or suppliers should have access to. Now using this password system that can be achieved. You can assign a password to each category and then any file assigned to a category with a password will not be visible on your website until the password is entered.



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